Town & Country Real Estate

2015 Predictions

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, 2015 Predictions, Town & Country Real Estate

Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

As we tear into a new calendar what’s in store for East End real estate? Will the trend of high end sales continue to set new high watermarks? Will the number of home sales reach 2005 levels? What will the appreciation rate be? Where will the next hot market be? Will summer rentals continue moving toward short term? At you can weigh in to the prediction blog.

Here at Town & Country, our associates in all 8 offices have been unusually busy with appointments for January. That tells us deals are forthcoming over the next 30 days and there will be closings in the next 60 days. January and February are ordinarily quiet months for sales but in years when Wall Street ends the year with a bang, we experience strong first quarters. This year’s bonuses are expected to take the Jitney east!

One additional source of interest we have experienced at Town & Country is a strong presence of investors from both the tristate region and international shores. As you know, my personal investment vehicle of choice has always been East End dirt and now it seems to have caught the attention of a much wider audience. Where are you putting your investment dollars? What are your predictions for 2015?

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